At St. Michael’s we place Gospel values at the centre of all that we do; we strive to encourage the development of each individual person. We accept that you as parents are the first and foremost educators of your children; we wish to support you in this process. We actively encourage the children to become independent and self-disciplined learners.
Our curriculum is broad and balanced and endeavours to fulfil all the requirements of the Education Acts for England.
We offer all National Curriculum subjects taught in accordance with the National Curriculum guidelines together with Religious Education. We use the ‘Come and See’ programme to support children in their R.E. Pupils develop their sporting and creative talents with additional input from specialist staff of local secondary schools, who often share their expertise to enable our pupils to extend their skills.
Teachers assess students on an ongoing basis and the results of these assessments inform future planning. Teachers track children’s achievements half termly using Target Tracker and they are assessed on their progress towards the end of year expectations for their year group. In Years 2 and 6 children sit SATs tests at the end of the year and their results are reported to parents.
Curriculum offer
At Michael’s we offer a broad and balanced curriculum experience that supports each child to reach their full potential and offers rich and diverse learning experiences. We know that we are preparing children for a global society and know that they will be the agents of change for our planet.
Click on the link to view an overview of our current curriculum offer.