Citizenship education is a school subject that develops knowledge, skills and understanding that pupils need to play a full part in democratic society, as active and responsible citizens. Pupils were taught about democracy, politics, parliament and voting.
Citizenship weeks for this year were based on the theme ‘Who is my neighbour’ Our Rights and Our Responsibilities in taking care of ourselves and others’. The focus was on children’s expectations and entitlement as well as addressing their responsibilities to others.
The children participated in a ‘Fairtrade’ workshop to learn how they work with farmers and workers so they can improve their living standards, invest in their communities and businesses, and protect our shared environment. Fairtrade works with the global community to pay fair prices and uphold fair production standards and practices. Pupils were taught the importance in keeping themselves safe including knife crime and de -escalation strategies.
The children visited Tate and Lyle; St Francis’ Catholic Primary school; and received visitors from CAFOD and of course are amazing ‘Kickathon’ event, which raised a grand total of £1,464.42 for the Salvation Army Night Shelter.