Catholic Life

At St Michael’s our faith is at the core of everything we do. We live our mission of walking in the footsteps of Christ and our children are active participants in collective worship.


RE Newsletters

Here at St. Michael’s school we also produce Religious Education (RE) newsletters that are sent to parents and carers electronically. You can download the latest copy by clicking on a link.

RE Policy

Collective Worship policy

RSHE Curriculum offer

RSHE policy

RSE information booklet

RSE in Catholic schools – FAQs

RSE Ten Ten Curriculum

Letter of Support from Bishop Marcus Stock for Education Sunday 2023

Education Sunday Guide 2023

Education Sunday Prayer 2023

Bishop’s visit (September 2021)

Relationship Sex and Health Education (RSHE) Curriculum

RSHE – A Guide for Parents and Carers

Here at St. Michael’s school we also produce Religious Education (RE) newsletters that are sent to parents and carers electronically. You can download the latest copy by clicking on a link.

RE Newsletters

RE Newsletter – Summer 2024

RE Newsletter – Spring 2024

RE Newsletter – Autumn 2023

Information about Mass times and other church events and the Brentwood Diocesan Vision document can be found by clicking on the following links.

Mini Vinnies

Our Mini Vinnies work hard to think of ideas to fundraise for our local community.

See – Think – Do!

The Society of St Vincent de Paul has been engaging with young people and education since its earliest days. Today the SVP England & Wales is pleased to highlight its continuing strong links with young people, through the development of its new ‘Mini Vinnies’ programme – a ground-breaking Primary Schools initiative, based on good work done in Australia, piloted in the Diocese of Shrewsbury, and which is seen as having, “the potential to significantly contribute to the future of our Society.”

‘Mini Vinnies’ are children aged between 7 to 11 (or younger) who, with the permission of their parents and the support of their Schools, are encouraged to embark on their first steps as possible ‘Vincentians for life’.

As Mini Vinnies, the youngsters have their own ‘treasured’ Prayer, Pledge and Badge, a dedicated website and a range of bright and colourful documents which guide them in their formative steps – helping and enabling them to become in every sense, young Vincentians – or ‘Mini Vinnies’.